Tradition and Life

St. Mark’s is of a central Anglican tradition and uses a mixture of Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer in its public worship. The present average weekly congregation numbers about 60 people who contribute to the church’s active life. A contemporary service is offered on 3rd Sunday of each month, which is an all-age, baptism service.
The parish usually offers on-going faith-development courses, confirmation classes, quiet days, retreats and pilgrimages. Discipleship is fostered through engagement with the Diocesan’s Community of St. Chad. Fellowship is promoted by a very full use of the church hall facilities for meals, fun & games, films etc.

The well-maintained church building (dating from 1915) is set in impressive formal and wildlife-friendly gardens which regularly win prizes in local and diocesan gardening competitions.

A full programme of fellowship activities adds to the life of St. Mark’s. We maintain a long-standing tradition of crowning a Church Queen during our September Sunday service. The Queen for 2024/2025 (pictured left) will be Miss Matilda Nutter who will be crowned by Mrs Denise Keen. Our Church Queens, with the help of a supportive team, plan fellowship activities and fund-raising events during their year-long reign.